We are currently taking deposits for our 2021 spring kids. Contact us if you would like to be placed on the waiting list and let us know the specifics of what you are looking for such as the following; buckling, doeling, wether, color preferences (if any), and purpose (breeding, fiber, pet). I can invoice you through PayPal or you can send a check. Once your $100 deposit is received you will be placed on the waiting list in the order it was received. This will reserve as many kids as you would like and goes 100% toward the purchase price.
When giving your deposit you must specify how many kids you would like and what sexes, if there is a preferance, at that time. We breed very selectively, our waitlist fills up quickly, and we often retain kids every breeding season. Please do not assume we will have additional kids available for you since you are already on the waitlist without asking to put an additional kid in your name on the list.
Waitlist deposits are non-refundable. If we don’t have what you are looking for after kidding season (ex. we only have doeling and you wanted a buckling), your deposit will be moved to the next year and your place on the waitlist will take first priority.
Once Kids Are Born
Once our kids are born you will be notified and able to see our early Spring Kid Sale List. Some will be available and others we will be retaining on the farm. We will make our decisions on who we will retain as quickly as possible, but please know that this could take several weeks. Kid selection will be in the order your deposit was received. Once you have chosen your kids, then another payment of 25% of the total purchase price is due at that time. Your kids will then be marked "Reserved" for you and the balance will be due before pick up or delivery is made. (Note: The 25% and $100 to be place on the waitlist is non-refundable once kids are placed on “reserved” for you.) By making your selection and reserving your kid you agree to our terms of sale on our website.
Health and Maintenance
We take the health and safety of our kids seriously! Therefore, ALL kids will have a Veterinary Inspection the first month of life. CDT, Bo-Se, and InForce will have been given. Excenel will be given if disbudded or wethered to prevent infection. Conformation will continually be evaluated as the kids mature and prices adjusted accordingly.
Horn Policy
We have both disbudded and horned goats on our farm. We have found that each individual person has good reasons for disbudding or keeping horns on their goats. We are understanding to both perspectives and believe that this is an individual decision we all must make. However, after having a mixed herd for many years we have decided to disbud all kid that are born on our farm.
Transportation and Pick-up
Coast to Coast transportation arrangements can be made! We work with reliable and trustworthy transporters who deliver on a monthly basis and we will help make these arrangements for you. We also show and attend fiber events across the country and may be able to meet you. Don’t let distance stop you from getting the kid of your dreams!
Transportation fees are given on an individual basis based on distance, number of kids, Health Certificates and any additional testing required to enter your state.
Pickup is required two weeks after weaning unless prior transportation arrangements have been made in writing. If buyer is not able to pickup as agreed, the sale is null and void. Deposit/reserved fee/ and payment will not be refunded.
All animals are priced on the farm. Health certificates to enter your state or testing required by your state are an additional fee.
All kids will come with pre-registration certificates from the Pygora Breeders Association and will be microchipped.
All registration names of kids born on our farm will start with “Labor of Love Pygoras” and end in a Biblical name in nature. God has blessed us immensely and we feel it is our way of never forgetting what He has done for us by dedicating all registration names to Him.
Pygoras can obtain their permanent registration certificate at 1 year of age after a full side-view photo and fleece sample is given to the registrar for their fleece to by typed A, B, or C. Information on how to do this will be given. However, is the new owners responsibility to complete the permaent registration of their goat once they reach a year old.
Bottle Babies
Although we are aware that many dairy breeders routinely bottle raise their kids we do not do this on a routine basis and will NOT pull a kid from their mom so that you can have a bottle baby. On occasion, we do have bottle babies available due to unforeseen circumstances such as a doe dying after a C-Section (which happened this year), triplets or the doe not having enough milk to support all her kids, or a doe rejecting their kid and not having a suitable surrogate doe to feed them.